Course / Branch

Bachelor of Technology Program in Industrial Technology (2-year program)

Bachelor of Technology Program in Industrial Technology (2-year program)

The curriculum, which is structured with Work and Study strategy, focuses on strengthening personnel with advanced engineering skills to be adaptive to changes and to accommodate future production and service in the form of START UP. This meets the requirements of the current workforce.

Highlight of program

  • Engineering Technology for Smart Building System: To produce highly-skilled graduates for the line of work related to supervising, design, inspection, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems in buildings associated with smart buildings, fire alarm system, air-conditioning system, and renewable energy and energy management system.
  • Engineering Technology for Electric Vehicle: To supply highly-skilled graduates in areas of analyzing, designing, and maintaining electric vehicle systems, control units, and charging systems, battery technology, and automotive.
  • Engineering Technology for Automatic Industry System: To produce highly-skilled graduates for the line of work related to production development, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system development, information management system, and industrial process control, application and development of industrial robots, real-time monitor system development, and Internet of Things (IoT) system.


  • studying-working integration
  • performing regular duties on weekdays: strengthening knowledge and analyzing current projects
  • studying on weekends: improving work-related subjects (Thai, English, Math, Social), gaining new knowledge (AI, SCADA, IOT, etc.), and experimenting modern technology

Candidate Qualifications

  • An applicant must have a vocational certificate in the field of industrial engineering, at least one year of work experience, and currently hold a permanent position in the field of industrial engineering.

Course Structure

Program structure (75 total credit requirement)General Education Courses 51 credits
  • Social Science and Humanities  24 credits
  • Science and Mathematics  27 credits
  • Language 6 credits
Specific Required Courses 51 credits
  • Foundation courses 24 credits
  • Major courses 27 credits
Free Elective Courses 6 credits


The Module Learning Method

Industrial: Safety and health, Quality control, Maintenance technology, Material handling systems, Information systems for industrial management

Project planning and management, Innovation and design, Industrial technology seminar, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Year 1 :
students take fundamental courses in innovative technology to build essential skills in planning, quality controlling, thinking and analyzing, and designing preliminary-structure projects.

Year 2 :
students examine and apply technology to gain abilities in communicating, instructing, managing, and becoming an entrepreneur.

Career Perspective

  • Entrepreneur and Business Owner
  • Production Administrative Office
  • Quality Control Manager
  • New Product Design Manager
  • Project Manager
  • System Analyst and Designer
  • Engineering Designer
  • Automatic Control System Developer
  • Government Officer and Teacher-Lecturer

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